Sunday, June 8, 2008

Visiting Maud Primary School

One day I was out for my constitutional walk, when I came across an intriguing tee-lined lane., which I turned into without hesitation.

As I sauntered along, I came to a property where a fellow was raising various kinds of pheasants. This particular fellow really wanted out badly, and I was tempted, but then thought of the consequences. There were some spectacular coloured plumage on several of them, but I felt bad that they would were caged. The alternative would have been living in the wild where they would have been eaten or shot during pheasant hunts.

At any rate, I eventually came to the Maud Primary School and spontaneously went into the grounds, promptly rang their security bell and introduced myself. When I was let in, I asked if I could exchange a tour of the school for an author reading. They were delighted with both and I was given a tour immediately. We made plans for me to come back the next day to read to grades 3-7. I didn't have any of my books with me, just hoped I could get some pages printed somewhere.

The reading went exceptionally well and ironically the classroom where everyone joined me was the class that was studying Greece, my next place to visit. They told me great things and showed me their work on making chariots and other ancient monuments. I was quite impressed.
I also agreed to spend fifteen minutes with the grades 1-2 children after recess. When I was finished I stayed to watch their 'body music' class. I was astounded at this method of teaching and learned a great many things about music in the few minutes I was there.
The school truly is amazing and the teachers very gifted. All classes are made to be fun.T hey've managed to get boys reading and enthusiastically too. I felt very honoured to have the opportunity to visit with them.
I was later sent a thank you card and a wonderful mousepad with art work from one of the children on it.

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