Monday, June 16, 2008

Arriving in Athens

At last I have access to the Internet again and can post blogs....lots more to come of Crete....

I arrived in Athens about 11:00 pm and then had to catch a taxi, which took another 30 minutes of travel to get to my hotel. For some reason I couldn’t sleep immediately so I ended up reading until just before 1:30 am and still I couldn’t drift off for some time…a dog barked for a considerable time, a bar was rocking a few meters down the street, and the heat was incredible, so that I opened my balcony doors to get some relief...

The alarm went off at 6:45 a.m.

Groggily, I made my way down to reception, paid my bill, and grabbed a partial breakfast (my taxi, ordered the night before, was waiting, having arrived fifteen minutes early). I made the airport in record time, got my boarding pass and hung about for another hour and a half before my flight left.

While I waited, I contemplated the very expensive hotel room I’d had for about four hours sleep. I’d booked one I thought was close t the airport. I complained about the long taxi ride on the way to the airport and said I would have to get a hotel closer to the airport next time. She said the one I had was the closest, except for the Holiday Inn, which cost 190 Euros per night and still required a taxi ride. Mine room was only 70 Euros. The taxi was 30 Euros each way, which meant a total of 130 Euros. Double this and add more and you have the cost.

I will definitely not be going back through Athens on my way home. However, I was looking forward to getting to the island of Crete.

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