Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Berwick on Tweed - Day Two

This morning at breakfast I overheard a man telling his wife that ostrich eggs had to be really tough...they were discussing how someone had sent one through the mail and it remained intact...he suggested this was because they had to drop about three feet when the female ostrich laid eggs, because ostriches don't lie down.

I challenged him, by asking how they slept. This gave him pause for thought and then he mumbled something about he'd certainly never seen one lying down. I think he was rather used to his wife believing anything he said and if he didn't know something he made it up.

BTW, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostrich - When threatened, the Ostrich will either hide itself by lying flat against the ground, and....When lying down and hiding from predators, the birds lay their head and neck flat on the ground, making them appear as a mound of earth from a distance. ....The females will lay their fertilized eggs in a single communal nest.

That discussion over, I moved over to my new B&B as the first one didn't have space for me for the second night. The house was built in 1760 and their is still the
original staircase to the third floor.

Although the people were very nice in this second place as well and the room was lovely, they were of the more 'prestigious' types, higher priced, less for the money and very strict on their 'rules.' They did have a wireless Internet connection, but the code got changed first thing the following morning (every morning - early), which resulted in my having difficulties getting on to it with the new one for some reason. The man of the house was a computer whiz and quite protective to the point of fanatical.

I spent as much time as I could while I had the Internet connection during the day, then went for a long walk around the town wall....

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